Conference Sponsors |
ISMVL - 2007
37th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
May 14-15, 2007
16th International
Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems
May 13, 2007
8th International Symposium on Representations and Methodology of Future Computing Technologies
May 16, 2007
University of Oslo, Department of Informatics, Microelectronic Systems.

- Latest News

- Next years symposium ISMVL 2008 is in Dallas, Texas.
- Pictures from this years event.
- Pictures RM2007 from the camera of Prof. T. Sasao.
- Please send your pictures, or link to the pictures taken during the conference to Henning Gundersen (Local Arrangements Chair)
- Invited Speakers
- Mark Glusker, Nektar Therapeutics,
" The Ternary Calculating Machine of Thomas Fowler"
- Valeriu C. Beiu, Associate Professor with the United Arab Emirates University, Collage of Information Technology,,
"Grand Challenges of Nanoelectronics and Possible Architectural Solutions"
- ISMVL Program
- Reception at the Oslo City Hall , Monday May 14th 2006 21:00
The city of Oslo invites all participants at the conference to a reception at the Oslo City Hall.
The mayor of Oslo will personally welcome guests to the exquisite City Hall.
Snacks and beverages will be served. The City Hall was inaugurated in 1950 and decorated by the foremost
Norwegian artists from the period 1900-1950
with motifs from Norwegian history, culture
and working life.
- "17 MAI" - The Norwegian Independence Day.
If you stay for an extra day, you will get the possibility to experience the 17th of May Celebration.
- Registration Information
- You can read the author registration information here
Electronic registration is available here
- Accepted Papers (pdf)
Please notice that at least one author of the accepted paper must be registered using ISMVL-2007 REGISTRATION FORM by March 1, 2007.
If your paper is more than 6 pages (maximum is 8 pages), you need to pay 100 USD for each extra page.
- Hotel Accommodation
Read the Hotel Accommodation Guide.
Important: Room reservation has to be done before April 1th 2007
- Call for papers
Paper submission deadline: Closed
Awards for Research in Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft-Computing and a student competition, read more here
You are invited to submit an original paper, survey or tutorial paper on any subject in the area of multiple-valued logic, including but not limited to:
Algebra and Formal Aspects |
ATPG and SAT |
Automatic Reasoning |
Circuit/Device Implementation |
Communication Systems |
Computer Arithmetic |
Data Mining |
Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing |
Image Processing |
Logic Design and Switching Theory |
Logic Programming Machine |
Machine Learning and Robotics |
Nano Technology |
Philosophical Aspects |
Quantum Computing |
Signal Processing |
Spectral Techniques |
Verification |
Electronic submissions by PDF or PS files are strongly preferred. In exceptional cases, submissions of four (double-spaced typed) paper copies are also acceptable. Each manuscript should include a 50-100 word abstract and should not exceed 6 pages in the proceedings format.
A selection of the best and most representative papers presented at the ISMVL 2007 in Oslo, will be offered
the possibility of publishing a complete version of the paper in JMVLSC (Journal for Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing).
should submit papers by November 10, 2006 to: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernd Steinbach, Program Chair
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultet für Mathematik und Informatik, Institut für Informatik,
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Strasse 2 09596 Freiberg
Email: steinb( at )
Tel: (+49) 3731 39 25 68
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: |
November 10, 2006: |
Notification of Acceptance: |
February 1, 2007 |
Delivery of Camera-Ready Papers: |
February 16, 2007 |
ISMVL 2007 Conference: |
May 14-15, 2007 |
Post Binary ULSI Workshop: |
May 13, 2007 |
Reed-Muller 2007 Workshop : |
May 16, 2007 |
- Accompanying Workshops
For additional information contact:
Tetsuya UEMURA, ULSIWS Chair
Division of Electronics for Informatics
Hokkaido University, Japan
uemura (at)
- Reed-Muller 2007 - A workshop on
Applications of the Reed-Muller Expansion in Circuit
Design and
Representations and Methodology of Future Computing Technology
For additional information contact:
Dr. Michael Miller
Department of Computer Science
University of Victoria
mmiller (at)
Last modified by HG,
Tuesday, July 3, 2007 3:35 PM